
Saturday 19 August 2017

23 of 50: The Belle and Lion (Sheerness, Isle of Sheppey)

"It's always beach weather"

At least that is what beta says and today is no exception. I made sure I had my hat and sunglasses and my rain coat, to ensure I am ready for a trip to a British seaside town.

Today the wife and I are off to Sheerness, we wanted to go somewhere different as we have done Maidstone and Folkestone to death.  At first delta was going to come along with us, but when we said it was a longer trip he decided to stay at home and play on the computer.

The car trip was uneventful, a quick M20 to Maidstone and then up to Sheerness. We still have the Sittingbourne spoons to do, but we have been to the town recently are we're not in a rush to return.

As you go over The Sheppey Crossing bridge, the traffic slowed down, but was clear until the Tesco just outside of town.  I sometimes think that once people pass their driving test they purge the entire Highway Code from their memory, it felt like people were going out of their way to block the roadabout.

Once in town we followed the signs to the car park, it clearly stated sea side parking and then took us into the town with nowhere to park and no seafront (but a first glimpse of the spoons, my heart sank just a little), on a second pass we got into the car park.

It's probably me just ranting, but why do car parking machines want to know my entire number plate, is there really a chance of someone with the same 3 letters going to this small town on the same day as me? (Not that I would give them my ticket anyway). I put 2 hours worth in the machine and we headed off.

We decided to take a walk around the town first, so headed left.

Here I said, is the future, charity shops, boarded up shops and closed kebab shops. It must be bad when even the local pound shop was closed down. 

Some idiot in a Range Rover felt that the pavement was not for pedestrians and that the 3 second walk to the nearest space would be too far, so just parked on the path with little room or consideration for anyone else.  Maybe due to the state of the town he had lost the will to live?

With nearly nothing to do, except a sweet stall that didn't want you to touch the sweets, we headed to the pub.

It is much nicer inside than out, and it seems its popular, more people are here than in all the local cafes etc. that we went passed.   We got a table at the rear and ordered food and drink from the table. Outside there see some nice tables made out of up ended boats.

Delta got his exam results on Thursday, and is now confirmed to go to university in Exeter. This, of course, was our main topic of conversation. How will our lives be now that our last child is leaving the nest? What will we do with our time (more spoons?). So far we have managed to keep calm, but with only four weeks until he leaves I think it is going to be very emotional.

The toilets are upstairs, and we used them as we left, the wife was impressed with the bowls, and it is interesting that I also liked them and took a picture of them. Sometimes we are really on the same wavelength.

We took a walk to the beach. It was a bit windswept, but pleasant enough.

Now that we are going out more, I really should put more that 2 hours on the parking, as just as we were enjoying ourselves it was time to go.

We promised delta we would get him some pinballs from Poundland, but of course there wasn't one in town. The wife noticed a few shops just before the bridge and they had a B&M and Poundland.

We left there with a sandwich toaster (as Grandma was talking about one just the day before and delta said he would like one), and pinballs.

Not out best destination, if you had paid to get there by train and had never been before you would be pretty unhappy with your choice of destination

Maybe next time we will just go to Maidstone or Folkestone.

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